- Industry: Hardware Wallets
- Location: Republic of Korea
- Year of foundation: 2012
FuzeW is a cryptocurrency hardware wallet developed by the company BrilliantTS.BrilliantTS is an entity that started its business with a smart electronic card creation. After launching several successful products, the company began to investigate the growth of the blockchain. It has seen enormous potential in blockchain technology and noticed the main problem this market was faced with – the lack of security.FuzeW aims to provide a secure solution for the everyday crypto user, together with an easy to carry wallet (thanks to the wireless Bluetooth connection and small weight & dimensions).СhallengeAs a finalized product released to the crypto market, FuzeW was ready to accept leads for the sales and distribution process. The main goal of the marketing campaign organized by Cointraffic was to reach cryptocurrency holders, let them know about FuzeW main advantages and attract payable customers.
Strategy and preparationTo achieve the goal, we have chosen to divide the budget between two advertising formats: Banner Ads and Native Ads.
Several banner campaigns were launched targeting both desktop and mobile users, with the focus on the regions with the most prominent cryptocurrency holders: United States, Japan, and Eastern Europe.Banner Ads were emphasizing products’ strongest points:
- Its small dimensions and weight
- Easy to use a wireless Bluetooth connection
- 1000+ coins supported
We have started to deploy Native Ads and stimulate the process of user education, leading them to read the comparison article of different crypto hardware wallet solutions.This approach has started to generate relevant traffic to the company website and building the right appeal and association with the product.
"A primary reason why I use Cointraffic is that it serves as a source of high conversion-rate customers.
We are a crypto hardware wallet manufacturer, and our one and only important KPI are sales. This measurement includes generating a high number of sessions, favorable involvement, and ensuring that adding to the shopping cart is comparably easy. At the same time, we know that convincing customer to buy crypto hardware wallets is not easy.
Here's the reason why Cointraffic is good; It makes sales with a lower budget and the same amount of effort. Cointraffic provides access to ta varied, niche-related audience.
We've worked with Cointraffic to run a multi-channel banner ad on (Google Ad platform, and other ad media channels) and have achieved targeted results. We see that Cointraffic is the best option to drive the result that we ultimately want - sales!"
Songyun Jeon, FuzeW strategy planning managerResultsThe first campaign began in the middle of March 2019 with more and more campaigns tested, optimized, and re-launched in the following months.
The information presented is the actual statistics of the website traffic during campaign progress. There were 4 different campaigns launched during the 5 month period. Each campaign came together with the updated set of banners, which helped to keep the audience engaged.The spikes show where the new set of banners or format was added. Right after receiving the conversion results, each campaign was optimized. By blacklisting specific less-performing traffic sources we were able to deliver clicks and provide the best results.What is even more exciting is that the website's organic traffic has also started to grow. More and more users have actively started to search for additional information about the brand.
The Banner and Native Ads not only brought traffic directly but positively influenced on the conversion rate of all other FuzeW marketing efforts. As a result, the overall sales during the campaign increased by 156%. The organic traffic rise also had a positive impact on Search Engine results.
Cointraffic has been working in the crypto advertising field since 2014, solving marketing needs of thousands of clients during its 5+ year journey. If you are in need of Cryptocurrency related traffic, please do not hesitate to get in touch and join our advertising network.